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The Global Sustainability Community Comes Through for Ukraine

Last month's Sustainability For Ukraine web-a-thon, featuring more than 90 speakers from around the world, raised $170,000 for the nation's civil society.
By 3p Editors

A pro-Ukraine protest in front of the White House, June 2022 (Image courtesy Leon Kaye)

On June 21, the global sustainability community came together for Ukraine, by exploring the future of sustainability and the need for more inclusive efforts to advance sustainable development. The Sustainability For Ukraine event was a 24-hour webcast, with topics featuring more than 90 speakers from around the world, who together explored the current state of sustainability and began to outline a revived roadmap to help us navigate towards a better future. More 1,300 people attended this “web-a-thon” and tens of thousands visited the event website. 

This event and ongoing fundraising campaign seek to provide vital financial support for local NGOs in Ukraine that have been devastated by the war. Since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine, offices of local NGOs have been damaged, employees have gone without pay and, many organizations are struggling to keep operating without outside funding.

So far, through the generous support from corporate sponsors and individual donations made online, this campaign has been able to raise over $170,000 to help rebuild civil society in the war-torn country. This coalition looks to raise an additional $80,000 to bring the total of contributions to $250,000.

Sustainability For Ukraine is still seeking donations form organizations and individuals so its backers can achieve its target and help our brothers and sisters working in sustainability in Ukraine. You can donate online here.

This event’s organizers wish to thank the two dozen organizations who led dedicated sessions of the web-a-thon, providing a robust program of dialogue on the sustainability agenda. Partners included: 3BL Media, Akatu Institute (Brazil), AuctusESG (India), B Lab, Business Council for the United Nations, BBMG, BSR, Business Fights Poverty, Business Leaders Forum, CBSR (Canada), CSR Europe, CSR Ukraine, ELEVATE, Forum for the Future, GlobeScan, GreenBiz, GRI, Maala (Israel), Net Positive, ReThink (Hong Kong), SB Japan, SB Thailand, Sustainability Connect (Singapore) and WWF.

For more information please contact Stacy Rowland at Globescan. 

Image credit: Leon Kaye

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