About Us
TriplePundit is a digital media platform for the people and organizations making a real impact on the environmental, social and economic challenges we face. We spark action by bringing visibility to the changemakers who see and do things differently, with in-depth reporting and analysis through the lens of solutions journalism.
Our vision
Launched in 2005, TriplePundit is one of the longest-running online news platforms for sustainability in business. We’ve built a global community by reporting the latest on people, planet and profit for nearly two decades.
As the sustainability and social impact space continues to evolve, so do we. That’s why we’re bringing solutions journalism to sustainable business news. Our manifesto: Shed the gloom, embrace the momentum.
Our coverage illuminates the people and organizations tackling the world’s most pressing environmental, social, and economic challenges. We inform and empower readers by focusing not only on the problems, but also on how people are working to solve them and what we can learn — whether they succeed or not.
Solutions journalism is grounded in the belief that solutions to problems are also newsworthy, but it isn’t about cherry-picking good news or reporting fluff. It’s about bringing a critical eye to our most vexing challenges and daring to ask: So what? What now? What next?
We believe what's next is already happening, led by those who have the audacity to act even when the task seems impossible, to persevere even when it’s tempting to give up, to hope when others say it's hopeless. They’re all around us, but we don’t hear about them enough. That needs to change — and fast — if we are to bring about the mindset shifts and system changes necessary to push progress forward when it is needed most.
If you're working on creative solutions in your community, we want to hear from you:
Send pitches to editorial@3blmedia.com
Interested in writing for us? Contact us at writeforus@3blmedia.com
Our values
Urgency: To catalyze change now, we seek out and uplift ideas, models and solutions with the potential to create meaningful impact — wherever they may come from.
Hope: We believe in the opportunity for a brighter future. We don't give up, and we don't fall into the trap of believing the challenges we face are too insurmountable to solve.
Pragmatism: We don't waste our time with hand-wringing or finger-pointing and keep laser-focused on real solutions for real impact.
Service: We respect and value our audiences and partners, and we seek to inform, empower and enable them to create change.
Our journalism
TriplePundit’s coverage aligns with the pillars of solutions journalism. All stories should clearly identify a response to a material social or environmental challenge. They should provide the reader with insight, evidence and limitations to determine the efficacy of the solution. In cases where we cannot obtain some of this information, we should be transparent about why the information is not available to us and why the response is still newsworthy.
We follow the fundamental principles of journalism and adhere to the standards of our Code of Ethics, including:
- Our journalists should be honest, accurate, truthful and fair. They must not distort or fabricate facts, imagery, sound or data.
- We provide accurate context for all reporting.
- We seek out diverse voices that can contribute important perspectives on the subjects we cover.
- Our journalists should ensure that sources are reliable. To the maximum extent possible, we make clear who and what our sources are, what motivations our sources may have and any conditions people have set for giving us information. When unsure of information, we leave it out or make clear it has not been corroborated.
- We correct errors quickly, completely and visibly, and we make it easy for our audience to bring errors to our attention.
Read TriplePundit’s Code of Ethics here.
TriplePundit partners with sponsors and advertisers through our branded content studio. These partnerships are clearly disclosed to our readers and the public. We require news-like content produced through our brand studio to be clearly identified as "Sponsored,” with labeling above the fold.
TriplePundit is an equal opportunity employer. We value diversity, and we prohibit discrimination and harassment of any type. We are committed to rigorously seek diverse pools of candidates for all job openings. We encourage staffers to seek diverse sources, both in specific stories and in routine beat coverage.
Work with us
Our branded content studio combines the editorial expertise of TriplePundit's sustainability communicators and the reach of 3BL’s unrivaled distribution network, so you can find new ways to tell your stories better and share them more widely across your target audiences.
Our range of services includes writing, multimedia production, research and events, as well as an ESG communications audit to get to the heart of your company’s storytelling strategy. Click here to learn more
Editorial Team

Tina Casey
Tina writes frequently for TriplePundit and other websites, with a focus on military, government and corporate sustainability, clean tech research and emerging energy technologies. She is a former Deputy Director of Public Affairs of the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, and author of books and articles on recycling and other conservation themes.
Senior Writer

Mary Mazzoni
Mary has reported on sustainability and social impact for over a decade and now serves as executive editor of TriplePundit. She is also the general manager of TriplePundit's Brand Studio, which has worked with dozens of organizations on sustainability storytelling, and VP of content for TriplePundit's parent company 3BL.
Executive Editor

Taylor Haelterman
Taylor’s work spans print, podcasts, photography and radio. She brings her passion for covering social and environmental issues through the lens of solutions journalism to her work as assistant editor.
Assistant Editor
- About Writing for 3p
- Megan Amrich
- Ashli Blow
- Amy Brown
- Tina Casey
- Nithin Coca
- Joyce Coffee
- Terry E. Cohen
- Phil Covington
- Ellen Delisio
- Michelle Erdenesanaa
- Gary Frank
- Nicole Froio
- L Blaine Fulmer
- Nayelli Gonzalez
- Shelby Gorstein
- Andrew Kaminsky
- Gavi Klein
- Maggie Kohn
- Sarah Lozanova
- Abha Malpani
- Patrick McCarthy
- Carl Nettleton
- Riya Anne Polcastro
- Rasha Rehman
- Mary Riddle
- Roya Sabri
- RP Siegel
- Johnathan Smith
- Gladstone H Taylor
- Sara Velander
- Grant Whittington
- Ruscena Wiederholt
- Kate Zerrenner