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Seven Trends Dramatically Reshaping Corporate Philanthropy

When it comes to corporate philanthropy, how can you best mobilize your resources, generate maximal impact, and deliver that impact as quickly as possible?
By CyberGrants
Corporate Philanthropy

These days, it’s not if a disaster happens anymore, but when. And when there’s a need, you want to be there, on the front lines, NOW. 

Urgency is more than being purely reactive, however. It’s about aggressively going after the right causes. You have an imperative to direct your dollars strategically to emerging needs where they can provide the most positive impact — while simultaneously aligning with your organization’s missions and values.

The demand for immediate social impact is ubiquitous, and we certainly don’t need to inform you how great the demand is for corporate giving. Our shared world is rife with want and chaos and emergencies. The need is everywhere. Worthy, urgent causes roar up literally overnight. And thankfully, there’s people like you, and organizations like yours, who jump in and help in big ways. Whether through grantmaking, employee donations, or volunteer programs, the challenges are the same. 

How can you best mobilize your resources, generate maximal impact, and deliver that impact as quickly to the point of need?  

You are a powerful catalyst for giving.

During this webinar hosted by HR.com earlier this month, Seven Trends Dramatically Reshaping Corporate Philanthropy, you’ll see how Agile Social Impact can help solve the issues posed by those trends outlined. When you are being agile as an organization, you can quickly achieve impact in your corporate social responsibility programs.  And by providing agility for your employees, they can deliver impact to the causes that matter to them most.

Key Takeaways:

  • What are the seven trends reshaping corporate philanthropy today and how to prepare for 2020
  • How to engage employees at all levels through charitable donations and volunteerism
  • How to leverage technology to maximize agile social impact with your corporate philanthropy programs

Be sure to watch here: The Forces Dramatically Reshaping Corporate Philanthropy

Originally published on 3BL Media News.

Image credit: John Schnobrich/Unsplash

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CyberGrants is focused on facilitating and maximizing the impact of charitable giving since 1999. The organization's sole focus is helping our customers streamline and automate the philanthropic process reducing the cost, time and effort of providing charity to those in need.

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