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Webinar - Tetra Pak, PGGM, Coca-Cola HBC & WBCSD on SDG Reporting

By Sam Thibault

The increasing focus and push towards the UN Global Goals and 2-degree target requires businesses to disclose accurate data to showcase future risks, demonstrate the long-term value of the business and show their impact on the SDGs.  But how do you successfully integrate the SDGs into your reporting process?
To help you properly report on the SDGs, 4 senior leaders are ready to share their experiences and strategies live.  Join Ethical Corporation on Thursday, 12th July, at 2pm BST for their free online webinar with:

  • Mario Abreu, Vice President Environment, Tetra Pak
  • Piet Klop, Senior Advisor Responsible Investment, PGGM
  • Michael Dickstein, Group Sustainability Director, Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company
  • James Gomme, Director, Sustainable Development Goals, WBCSD

In this 1-hour webinar, you will learn how innovative businesses are demonstrating their progress on ambitious targets through SDG focused disclosures.

  • Identify what is relevant for SDG reporting
  • Map against your operations on a local, national and regional level
  • Measure your impacts against the SDGs
  • Properly communicate your impacts against the SDGs

Can’t join? Sign up anyway to receive the full post-webinar recordings: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3224734954935976193?source=raweb
Media Contact:
Ed Long
Project Director
Ethical Corporation
+44 (0) 207 375 7188