For most companies their greatest risks and impacts lie within their supply chains. To truly address areas such as; GHG emissions, Human Rights violations and water usage companies need to work with a whole host of partners.
In a 1-hour webinar debate, you will hear from businesses on how they are driving large scale change in partnership with suppliers, industry associations, NGOs and competitors.
Join Philips, Dell and the Responsible Sourcing Network and your peers for an exclusive one-hour webinar (December 12th, 10am EST). Be part of the discussion, join us here: http://events.ethicalcorp.com/rbs-ny/webinar/
Learn how to:
- Understand how you can transform your outputs without jeopardising the business
- Identify the right partners to drive change; suppliers, NGOs, academia, start-ups and competitors
- Hear how to convince the leadership to go against decades of business thinking
Can’t join? Sign up anyway to receive the full post-webinar recordings: http://events.ethicalcorp.com/rbs-ny/webinar/
Ed Long
Project Director
Ethical Corporation
+44 (0) 20 7375 7188