Being able to prove how transformative strategies contribute to the long-term goals of the business is crucial. To meet the UN Global Goals and the 2 Degree target requires a wholesale change in practice, across both the business and industry. Something companies can’t do on their own, business needs to develop long-term partnerships that deliver the change required.
To help you deliver business transformation, Ethical Corporation has interviewed industries leaders from across the globe to share their experiences and insight in our newly produced intelligence pack. Hear from:
- American Institute of Artificial Intelligence, Al Naqvi, President
- ING, Leon Wijnands, Global Chief Sustainability Officer
- Mars, Barry Parkin, Chief Procurement and Sustainability Officer
- Verizon, Jim Gowen, Vice President of Global Supply Chain and Chief Sustainability Officer
- General Motors, David Tulaukas, Director of Sustainability
- Siemens, Markus Strangmüller, Corporate Strategy - Sustainability - Business to Society
You can access the complimentary content pack here
In the 9 paged briefing and 1-hour webinar you will learn how innovative businesses are looking to drive the required changes both internally and externally:
- Where to start: Identify the areas and impacts of the business that need to change
- Understand how you can transform these outputs without jeopardizing the business
- Hear how to convince the leadership to go against decades of business thinking
- Identify the right partners to drive this change; internal departments, NGOs, academia, start-ups and competitors
- Discover how businesses are forecasting these future positive impacts on business, the industry, society and environment
You can access the complimentary content pack here
Ed Long
Project Director
Ethical Corporation
+44 (0) 20 7375 7188