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Do You Have the Right Staffing Levels to Manage Your Companies EHS & Sustainability Risks?

By Sam Thibault
  • Do you need to make the business case to expand your EHS&S staff?
  • Did your company recently go through a merger and industry data would be useful to restructure your team?
  • Is your company interested in benchmarking salaries of EHS&S staff?

If you answered yes to any of these questions or would just like some hard, reliable facts and data about EHS&S staffing, structure and budgets, then the National Association of Environmental Management’s (NAEM) recently published report based on data from more than 190 companies across industry sectors is perfect for you.

This is the only benchmarking report available that was designed by a committee of peer leaders to help those who are at the helm, benchmark their organizations by industry, annual revenue, total headcount and level of operational risk.

Learn More

Media Relations:
Schana Kramer 