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Marissa Rosen headshot

Twitter Chat Recap: #Schwab4Good with Charles Schwab Foundation

By Marissa Rosen

Today, Charles Schwab, Boys & Girls Clubs of America and TriplePundit came together at #Schwab4Good to discuss employee volunteerism, and how Charles Schwab Foundation’s national alliance with Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) makes a difference for youth in cities around the U.S.

Our lead panelist, Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz, president of Charles Schwab Foundation and senior vice president of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., talked about Schwab’s dual commitment to promoting financial literacy for Americans and supporting employee volunteerism. She discussed the importance of Schwab Volunteer Week (SVW), which occurs May 23-27 this year, as a core element in the company’s culture of community service.

During #Schwab4Good, we discussed:

  • How Schwab encourages and supports employee volunteerism.

  • What BGCA looks for in its corporate partnerships, as well as what makes the Charles Schwab Foundation-BGCA relationship unique.

  • How organizations can effectively launch their own employee volunteerism program.

  • How Charles Schwab Foundation helps enable high-impact nonprofits like BGCA to do even more good in the community... and much more!


Every year during Schwab Volunteer Week, thousands of Schwab employees and executives roll up their sleeves to help local charities in communities nationwide. As part of this dedicated week of volunteerism across the firm, employees lead financial education workshops in schools and community centers; help job-seekers with resumes and interview skills; and build homes, serve food, and help improve local facilities through painting, landscaping and other service projects.

The impact of Schwab Volunteer Week is vast. In 2015, over 4,600 employee volunteers spent approximately 18,500 hours (valued at nearly $427,000) on 375 projects for 246 nonprofits in 150 cities. Schwab Volunteer Week makes a big impact on employees as well. Ninety-five percent of participants say that as the result of Schwab’s support and encouragement of employee volunteerism, they are more likely to recommend Schwab as a great place to work, and 100 percent believe it is important to continue SVW annually.

This year’s Schwab Volunteer Week will be the biggest yet, with a record  5,300+ employees expected to participate. Nearly 300 charities will benefit during Schwab Volunteer Week 2016. Carrie herself will volunteer at Swords to Plowshares in San Francisco.

Learn more about SVW in this short video:




  • Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz (@CarrieSchwab) - President of Charles Schwab Foundation and Senior Vice President of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.

  • Chad Royal-Pascoe (@BGCA_Clubs) – Boys & Girls Clubs of America, National Vice President
Charles Schwab Foundation is a private, nonprofit organization funded by The Charles Schwab Corporation. The Charles Schwab Foundation is classified by the IRS as a charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Foundation is neither a part of Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. (member SIPC) nor its parent company, The Charles Schwab Corporation. Boys & Girls Clubs of America is unaffiliated with Charles Schwab Foundation and the Charles Schwab Corporation and its affiliates and subsidiaries. #0516-2112
Marissa Rosen headshot

Marissa is the Owner of Climate Social, LLC. She holds a bachelor's degree in communications from Mizzou and a master's in environmental studies from UPenn. 

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