This is part of a series on "The Future of Fair Trade," written with the support of Fair Trade USA. A 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization, Fair Trade USA is the leading third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in the United States. To follow along with the rest of the series, click here.
By Jenna Larson
October is a month full of months … and days. There’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Non-GMO Month, with National Kale Day, World Food Day, the International Day of Rural Women and, of course, National Cat Day, sprinkled throughout. There are a lot of things to celebrate in October, and in a way, Fair Trade Month connects them all. October is a month that shows how much people care — about other people, about living beings, about our food and about the planet. This too is the heart of Fair Trade.
Fair Trade Month is a time to spread the word about who and where our products come from. This means putting the spotlight on challenges like child labor in cocoa and slavery in seafood, and also celebrating the farms, factories, brands and retailers that are doing things differently.
As we dive into the second half of October, there are three important things to know about Fair Trade Month:
1. Learning more about Fair Trade is easy
If you’re new to Fair Trade, you might be wondering what it is, how it works and why it matters. In a nutshell, Fair Trade is a certification of social, environmental and economic responsibility. The Fair Trade Certified label on a product means that it was grown (or manufactured) in accordance with strict standards, covering areas like safe working conditions, no child or forced labor, elimination of harmful chemicals, no GMOs and more.
But it’s not just about standards and audits. Fair Trade is a mechanism that allows farmers and workers to be active participants in bringing those standards to life, and in building strong, thriving businesses and communities. Fair Trade producers are democratically organized, and they vote together to determine how best to use their additional income (Fair Trade Premiums) to address their most pressing needs.
“Fair Trade has made a huge difference in my life,” says Ulysma Desiline, a Fair Trade mango grower in Haiti. “Working with a Fair Trade cooperative allows me to support my family.”
There is a ton of information out there about Fair Trade, and BeFair.org is a good place to start. There you can learn more about how Fair Trade works, what products are certified, and how it benefits farmers, the earth and you.
2. Fair Trade products are more accessible than ever
Coffee was the very first Fair Trade Certified product to hit the market when Fair Trade USA opened its doors in 1998. At the time, coffee prices were at a historic low, and many roasters were turning to Fair Trade as a way to help producers earn a stable income in the face of intense market volatility. It was about building an equitable system of trade, and ensuring that farmers could stay in business to keep producing coffee for their international buyers.
Oddly enough, coffee farmers are still fighting that same battle today. The cost of production continues to rise (as do mounting challenges like climate change), but prices have stayed incredibly low. This is why Fair Trade coffee remains as important as ever.
While coffee is still the leader in Fair Trade (over 1 billion pounds certified since 1998), many (30+) new Fair Trade categories have emerged over the years. You can find Fair Trade in nearly every aisle of the supermarket, and can live a truly Fair Trade lifestyle with the introduction of new apparel and home goods products.
You can find Fair Trade fruit, vegetables, flowers, sugar, cocoa, tea, coffee, spices, grains, sports balls, apparel, home decor, coconut (and coconut water), seafood and many other products from over 1,000 different companies. Whole Foods Market remains the leading retailer in Fair Trade offerings, while well-loved brands like Patagonia, West Elm, Naked Juice, Kashi and others begin to embrace Fair Trade.
3. Fair Trade Month doesn’t end in October
Well, technically it does, but the great part about Fair Trade Month is that it gives you the tools needed to bring Fair Trade into your daily life beyond October.
Regardless of what month it is, Fair Trade invites us to ask questions about our products, and to think about where (and who) they came from. It encourages us to be more conscious about the votes we cast with our dollars, every time we shop. In many ways, Fair Trade helps us be a little more human, and a little more aware of the world we want to leave behind for the generations to follow.
Happy Fair Trade Month, and don’t forget to Be Fair.
Images courtesy of Fair Trade USA
Jenna Larson is the Communications Manager at Fair Trade USA.

Fair Trade USA is a nonprofit organization that is the leading third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in the United States. Fair Trade USA audits and certifies transactions between U.S. companies and their international suppliers to guarantee that the farmers and workers producing Fair Trade Certified goods were paid fair prices and wages, work in safe conditions, protect the environment, and receive community development funds to empower and uplift their communities.