Editor's Note: This post originally appeared on Little Pickle Press.
By Shamini Dhana
There are many universal mediums today that allow us to cross boundaries in shorter periods of time and without censorship. We’re talking about Twitter, Facebook, Google and the networks of the future. But have you thought about the non-virtual world as an instrument of change? It has the ability to transform our consciousness, providing knowledge of the world through the wisdom of cultures. Welcome to the world of fashion and the daily ritual of wearing a piece of apparel every day that has the potential to “define” you.
We’re familiar with the stories and research that indicate that an unconscious judgment call is made, a perception created at some level, within the first 40 seconds of physically meeting someone new. Interestingly, what you wear plays as an important part in the casting of that vote, as does the way you wear your hair or makeup, your voice and your posture. Such is the power of fashion — the ability to define one from the outside.
Now we look at the power of fashion to define and transform the individual from the inside, too. Ponder for a moment the ability to connect with people and planet through our clothes -- what would you say to this? In reality, this concept is absent in our daily conversation because brands and companies that produce, market and sell clothing today have kept this information from us; they have denied it as a priority and denounced the impact that this information can have on the overall shopping and purchasing decision we as consumers make on a daily basis.
The reality is that our clothes are just as important to our overall well-being as the food we eat. If food fuels the body, provides energy and ability to perform our work, and is a medium to celebrate seasons and festivities, then the clothes we wear have the same ability to transform ourselves both inside and out. In fact, I would say that if we are what we eat, then we wear what we stand for.
We realize that fashion has the ability to define us as edgy, classic, outdoorsy, punk, powerful and bold. But it’s also a way to also transform our psyches, shape our values and rethink our impact in this world. The brands we wear are more than just color, style and print. At Dhana, Inc., our apparel represents the work, livelihood, inspiration and fate of real people and resources from our planet. Each person along the journey has a story to share — from where and how people live to how they have been treated, compensated and acknowledged for the work they do. Clothing has a story of fabric and fiber that no fortune can possibly replace — one that speaks to the heart and soul of why we do what we do. These are the stories worth investigating, discovering and sharing.
We learn more about ourselves when we connect with the world — not just virtually, but through all of the elements that lend themselves to honoring the people who make our daily lives joyful and fun. We have the ability to be more conscious in our choices. We also have the power to vote with our dollars, supporting the decisions of companies and brands that share vital information that impacts our well-being and that of the planet. It is this triple bottom line (people, planet and profit) that reflects this type of business practice and is what is expected of the conscious consumer for the good of the world.
Every day we wear a piece of clothing that has touched several people along the way. It is something most of us take for granted. Perhaps it’s time to revisit this journey, to step back and ponder how aligned each piece of clothing is to our own values. Let’s celebrate the fact that fashion has the potential to connect us in deeper and more profound ways.
Dhana is a mission-driven company and offers a solution to connect people and planet through our clothes. We strive to unite the beauty of nature, the choice of natural, organic elements, the celebration of world cultures, the creative genius of global artists, the passion of entrepreneurs and the voices of children through the universal medium of fashion. TIMELESS FASHION. Together We’re Wearin’ the World!
Image courtesy of Dhana Ecokids
Shamini Dhana is the founder and CEO of Dhana Inc. As an entrepreneur, speaker, and parent, Shamini continues to give back to the global community through educating kids on the impact of their choices every day, and through partnerships with other socially and environmentally conscious organizations.
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