Every Wednesday at 4pm PST / 7pm EST (and every once in a while at other times) TriplePundit will take 30 minutes or so to chat with an interesting leader in the sustainable business movement. These chats are broadcast on our Google+ channel and embedded via YouTube right here on 3p.
On Wednesday, February 26th, TriplePundit’s Founder, Nick Aster, held a chat with Ian Hanna, Director of Strategic Development for the Forest Stewardship Council International.
The vision of the global non-profit is that the world’s forests meet the social, ecological, and economic rights and needs of the present generation without compromising those of future generations. FSC International's strategy consists of five main goals:
Goal 1: Advance globally responsible forest management Goal 2: Ensure equitable access to the benefits of FSC systems Goal 3: Ensure integrity, credibility and transparency of the FSC system Goal 4: Create business value for products from FSC certified forests Goal 5: Strengthen the global network to deliver on goals 1 through 4To meet these goals, the FSC International's program areas such as chain of custody, social policy, ecosystem services, and monitoring and evaluation, help manage the multidimensional nature of forestry and certification.
Hanna addressed these goals and concepts, and much more, in his interview.
The chat will be live below at 4pm Pacific:
If you missed the conversation, you can still watch it on our YouTube channel.
About Ian
Ian Hanna is an ecologist, social entrepreneur and sustainability advocate that is the Director of Strategic Development for the Forest Stewardship Council. He works with various industries, agencies and NGOs to shift the wood and paper purchasing of businesses, consumers and governments to more responsible, verifiable sources such as FSC certification provides. Hanna hails from the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State and is a firm believer that individual action around our purchasing decisions is the quickest path to leaving a positive environmental legacy for future generations.

Marissa is the Owner of Climate Social, LLC. She holds a bachelor's degree in communications from Mizzou and a master's in environmental studies from UPenn.