It's hard to know who to follow to get the most accurate, up-to-date, high-quality information on the Twittersphere. As a follow-up to the recent posts "Top 20 Environmental NGOs on Twitter" and "Top 25 Sustainable Brands on Twitter," we've compiled this spotlight list of individuals who blog about sustainability issues and actively engage with their readers on Twitter. The following list is subjective and not in ranking order. Drumroll please...
1. @AmanSinghCSR - Aman Singh is a creative communicator, social media strategist, Founder of Singh Solutions and Editorial Director at CSRWire.
2. @JohnFriedman – John Friedman helps companies create better business models and share their stories. He writes at the Huffington Post, Sustainable Brands, JustMeans, and more.
3. @LeonKaye – Leon Kaye writes on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at Guardian Sustainable Business, Sustainable Brands, and Triple Pundit, and is the Founder and Editor of
4. @FabianPattberg - Fabian Pattberg explores sustainability, CSR and the use of social networking for business and individuals. Check out his writing at
5. @Earth2017 - Bill Roth is a solar developer, Green Business Coach for, and Founder of Earth2017 - a website posting current news on how companies are growing green revenues.
6. @GFriend - Gil Friend is a thought leader, coach, author, and CEO at Natural Logic, Inc. He serves on the boards of Open Data Registry, Inc., Ecological Building Network, and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, and writes at Worldchanging and
7. @JacquelynOttman – Jacqueline Ottman is an author on a mission to eradicate waste. She has advised Fortune 500 companies including GE, Johnson & Johnson, and Procter & Gamble, and recently founded
8. @SimonMainwaring - Simon Mainwaring is an award-winning branding consultant, advertising creative director, and social media specialist and blogger. He founded the brand agency and authored the NYT Best Seller, both titled "We First."
9. @AndrewWinston - Andrew Winston is a dynamic consultant, speaker, and author, and regular writer for The Wall Street Journal, Time, BusinessWeek, New York Times, and CNBC.
10. @MarcGunther – Marc Gunther is a writer and popular speaker on business and sustainability, contributing editor at Fortune magazine, and senior writer at
11. @BillMcKibben - Bill McKibben is a world-renowned author, educator, and environmentalist. He founded - a global grassroots campaign to solve climate change.
12. @UmairH - Umair Haque is the Director of Havas Media Labs and is a regular writer for the Harvard Business Review. He is ranked one of the world's most influential management thinkers by Thinkers50.
13. @AdamWerbach – Adam Werbach is a correspondent for, as well as the Founder of Saatchi & Saatchi S, and the author of Strategy for Sustainability, published by Harvard Business Press.
14. @SustMeme - Jim McClelland is a publisher, editor, and journalist. He founded the first dedicated UK publication for Sustainability and the Built Environment, and has been featured in The Times, The Guardian and The Telegraph.
15. @OliverBalch - Oliver Balch is a popular blogger specializing in business, travel and world affairs, writing for The Guardian, The Financial Times, The Daily Telegraph and Condé Nast.
16. @BBaue - Bill Baue is a Corporate Sustainability Architect, and the Co-Founder of He works with organizations across the sustainability ecosystem, including AccountAbility, Ceres, the Global Reporting Initiative, and UN Global Compact.
17. @MarcyMurninghan – Marcy Murninghan is a scholar-practitioner, public speaker, entrepreneur, and Founder of She co-authored The Accountability Web, a project for Harvard's CSR Initiative.
18. @NickKristof - Nick Kristof has been an op-ed columnist for the New York Times since 2001, is a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, and co-author of Half the Sky.
19. @ElaineCohen - Elaine Cohen lectures widely on CSR, is a committed blogger on sustainability reporting, provides expert reviews for and writes in many printed journals and websites. She is the author of
20. @ReachScale - David Wilcox is the Founder of ReachScale - aligning CSR with high potential social entrepreneurs working in areas of common interest. He has been a CEO and CMO, and writes regularly at
21. @MarcStoiber – Marc Stoiber is a a creative director, nationwide speakers, and brand strategist who is building resilient, futureproof brands. He regularly writes blogs on Fast Company, Huffington Post, GreenBiz and Sustainable Brands.
22. @Makower – Joel Makower is a bestselling author, speaker, entrepreneur in sustainable business and Founder of Makower has written more than a dozen books, including Strategies for the Green Economy, The Green Consumer and The E-Factor.
23. @VolansJohn – John Elkington is the Founding Partner & Executive Chairman of Volans, Co-Founder of SustainAbility, and an expert on sustainable development. John is a Fast Company blogger and columnist for chinadialogue, CSRWire, Director Magazine and other international media.
24. @LloydAlter – Lloyd Alter is the Managing Editor of TreeHugger, Writer at Planet Green, and Teacher at Ryerson University School of Interior Design.
25. @JaymiHeimbuch – Jaymi Heimbuch is the Green Technology Editor at TreeHugger and a wildlife & conservation photographer.
26. @DRGrist – David Roberts is a Staff Writer for Grist, mostly discussing energy politics and climate change.
27. @Kate_Sheppard – Kate Sheppard is a Reporter for MotherJones covering energy, environment and health. She is a former political reporter for Grist and a writing fellow at The American Prospect.
28. @DerekMarkham – Derek Markham is a well-respected writer for TreeHugger and runs his own blog,
29. @Ecolibris – Raz Godelnik is a sustainable business professor at the University of Delaware, CUNY, and the New School. He co-founded Eco-Libris and is a blogger at Triple Pundit.
30. @AndreaLearned – Andrea Learned is a marketing to women expert and sustainability-focused communications and content strategist, who, in addition to writing her own blog, contributes to,, and other publications.
Those are a few of our picks - who are your favorites?
[Image credit: mkhmarketing, Flickr]

Marissa is the Owner of Climate Social, LLC. She holds a bachelor's degree in communications from Mizzou and a master's in environmental studies from UPenn.