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Zero Gachis Mobile App Solves Expired Supermarket Produce Problem

By Paul Smith

Did you know that your normal, reasonable expectations are the source of a tremendous amount of waste? That expectation is that store shelves at supermarkets be fully stocked, all the time. Why? Inevitably, not all date-sensitive, perishable items will be sold on time. Depending on local law or the willingness of the store to expend the effort to donate to food banks, the majority of that food is simply thrown out.

This is a tremendous waste of resources, both in the actual items being disposed of, and the time spent by staff clearing it off shelves and readying for it to be thrown out. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Zero Gachis, recent winner of the Startup Weekend in Brittany, has proposed a solution that’s glove in hand with people’s lives today: After a merchant notifies Zero Gachis of nearly expired stock and a discounted price, its mobile app will alert people in the area of this deal. This is a win all around, as merchants gain additional sales, reduce time spent restocking, and consumers get a likely steep discount which is appreciated in these challenging economic times.

Beyond being a deal broker, Zero Gachis gives consumers an additional incentive to take advantage of these offers: Points accumulated via offer redemption can be redeemed as cash to support food banks like Restos du Coeur or Banque Alimentaire.

Zero Gachis is yet to launch, but it’s a concept that is easy to understand and a clear benefit to all involved which will likely mean a fast adoption rate on both ends. Definitely one to watch, and consider launching in your area.

Readers: Would you, as a merchant or consumer, use this service? What, if anything, could you see improving it? Merchants, how would this best work within your existing work flow?


Paul Smith is a sustainable business innovator, global trend tracker, the founder of GreenSmith Consulting, and has an MBA in Sustainable Management from Presidio Graduate School in San Francisco. He creates interest in, conversations about, and business for green (and greening) companies, via social media marketing.


Paul Smith is a sustainable business innovator, the founder of GreenSmith Consulting, and has an MBA in Sustainable Management from Presidio Graduate School in San Francisco. He creates interest in, conversations about, and business for green (and greening) companies, via social media marketing. || ==> For more, see GreenSmithConsulting.com

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