Fossil fuels—coal, oil and natural gas—release carbon dioxide during production and consumption. Fossil fuels are also the primary source of energy for the global economy, which is in the midst of a prolonged expansion that is contributing to raising the quality of life in many parts of the world, particularly in developing countries. According to the International Energy Agency's World Energy Outlook, global energy demand will be at least 22 percent and as much as 47 percent higher in 2035 than it was in 2008, depending on future government policies. The majority of that energy will be provided by fossil fuels, even as lower-carbon alternatives continue to emerge.With Chevron receiving a $19 billion pollution lawsuit against them in Ecuador this year, one wonders if the company is truly a "good" corporate citizen? Meanwhile, Mattel has also had some corporate citizenship headaches in recent years. Only five years ago, in 2007, Mattel had to recall many of their toys made in China due to lead paint. Mattel even had to apologize to China for the embarrassing ordeal. Coca-Cola, while moving forward on environmental sustainability, has been using bio-plastics in recent years. Yet the company has been criticized by other media outlets for its lacklustre attempts to promote recycling and conservation. At the end of the day, CSR rankings can be an important tool for change towards a more just, and sustainable world. However, CSR rankings, like the one in CR Magazine, shows there is lots more work to do in the CSR movement in determining what real good corporate citizenship is. Source: Environmental Leader Image Credit: Chevron Gas Station via Wikipedia
A graduate of the University of Winnipeg with a three-year Bachelor of Arts degree, with a combined major in Economics and Rhetoric, Writing, and Communications, Adam is a ‘bright green’ environmentalist who believes in the power of economic and business opportunity in clean tech to bring more people towards environmental issues.
Besides Triple Pundit, Adam writes for Cleantechnica, and Rant Gaming.
Adam had worked previously as a commodities and grains reporter for a newswire service. Stories that he covered included currency, weather, and biofuels.
You can follow him on Twitter @adamjohnstonwpg or www.adammjohnston.wordpress.com