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Empowering Immigrant Communities For Climate Justice

As of October 2023, more than 110 million people worldwide were forced to leave their homes because of climate change. When they restart their lives somewhere else, they're at heightened risk when climate impacts strike again, as warnings about natural disasters or heat waves may be delivered in languages they don't speak or through channels they don't follow. Immigrants and refugees are also more likely to face labor exploitation in polluting industries. Recovery resources are often unavailable to undocumented immigrants, while safety nets can be inaccessible to those fearing deportation, compounding these issues even further.

Their lived experiences give immigrants and refugees invaluable insight into the fight against climate change, yet their voices are largely excluded from mainstream environmental movements. In this solutions journalism series, TriplePundit will explore how nonprofits and advocacy organizations are bringing immigrant communities together in support of climate action, worker rights and a just transition away from fossil fuels.