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Long-Duration Energy Storage: Catalyst for a Sustainable Energy Future

Global renewable electricity generation is expected to increase threefold by 2050, but this is only the beginning: We’ll also need a massive deployment of complementary grid storage solutions to transition the global energy mix away from fossil fuels. 

In this series sponsored by ESS, Inc., we’ll focus on an emerging segment of the energy storage market: safe and sustainable long-duration batteries. As the prevalence of renewable energy increases, so does the need for long-duration storage — a trend that will only accelerate. The market intelligence firm Guidehouse Insights predicts that more than 30 gigawatt-hours of long-duration storage will be installed globally by 2030, a tenfold increase compared to today, and the California Energy Storage Alliance estimates that the Golden State alone will need up to 55 gigawatts of long-duration storage capacity by 2045. 

As we move through the series, we’ll take a closer look at this technology, how it’s already being used in the U.S. and around the world, and what’s needed to scale it further.