TriplePundit Sustainable Living Challenge
It's easy to find information about how to live sustainably, but sometimes the things we see can make sustainable living feel out of reach. The truth is, it doesn't have to be all or nothing. Every step you take has the potential to make an impact, and it doesn't have to be an expensive or life-consuming task.
TriplePundit’s 2024 Sustainable Living Challenge is an easy and fun way for our community of readers and writers to adopt some new habits in the name of sustainability together.
This isn't about perfection. It's about doing what you can. And that’s different for everyone, depending on your budget, the time you have available and the resources around you. Over the next year, we’ll be covering simple changes you can make at home, with your money, when you’re traveling, with your entertainment, and when you’re shopping every month. Join us in trying what works for you, and skip what doesn’t. Everything helps. Follow along here and on our social media accounts to get involved, and share your experience with us here!